
Generating savings with reusable menstrual products

Posted by Mehar Sanwal on

Generating savings with reusable menstrual products

Menstruation is a natural biological process that women go through each month. It is also an expensive process, considering the cost of menstrual products such as pads and tampons. However, with the advent of reusable menstrual products, women can now save money while also reducing their environmental impact.

What are Reusable Menstrual Products?

Reusable menstrual products include menstrual cups, cloth pads, and period underwear. Menstrual cups are made of medical-grade silicone, rubber, or latex and are inserted into the vagina to collect menstrual fluid. Cloth pads are washable and reusable, and period underwear is designed to absorb menstrual fluid without the need for a pad or tampon.

Why Choose Reusable Menstrual Products?

Reusable menstrual products are cost-effective in the long run. They can last for up to 10 years and eliminate the need for monthly purchases of disposable products. Furthermore, they are environmentally friendly as they reduce the amount of waste generated by disposable menstrual products.

Reusable Menstrual Products vs. Disposable Menstrual Products:

Disposable menstrual products such as pads and tampons generate a significant amount of waste that ends up in landfills. According to the Women’s Environmental Network, a woman will use approximately 11,000 disposable menstrual products in her lifetime, resulting in about 100 billion menstrual products ending up in landfills each year.

Reusable menstrual products, on the other hand, can last for up to 10 years and reduce waste. Menstrual cups are made of medical-grade silicone, which is a sustainable material, and cloth pads and period underwear can be washed and reused.

How to Choose the Right Reusable Menstrual Product:

Choosing the right reusable menstrual product is essential to ensure maximum comfort and effectiveness. Menstrual cups come in different sizes and shapes, and it is important to choose the right one for your body type. Cloth pads and period underwear also come in different sizes and absorbency levels. It is recommended to do thorough research and read reviews before making a purchase.

How to Use Reusable Menstrual Products:

Reusable menstrual products require some learning and practice to use effectively. Menstrual cups need to be inserted into the vagina and positioned correctly. Cloth pads and period underwear need to be worn and changed as required. It is important to follow the manufacturer’s instructions for each product to ensure maximum effectiveness and comfort.

Reusable menstrual products are a cost-effective and environmentally friendly alternative to disposable menstrual products. They can last for up to 10 years and reduce the amount of waste generated by disposable products. Choosing the right reusable menstrual product is essential, and it is recommended to do thorough research and read reviews before making a purchase.